
The Open-World Games Have Become Too Comfortable as Evidenced by Elden Ring

Nothing could have quite prepared us for the final product, despite the fact that the hype for Elden Ring frequently bordered on “absurd” in the days, weeks, months, and even years leading up to the game’s release; however, nothing could have prepared us for the game itself. Elden Ring is not only one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time and, by all accounts, an immediate sales success; it is also a game that exposes just how complacent too many open-world titles have become and how those all-too-familiar entries into the genre have stripped away some of the genre’s magic. Elden Ring is not only one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time and, by all accounts, an immediate sales success; it is also a game that expose

To be honest with you, it would be a waste of time to try to persuade you that open-world games are “in trouble,” either from a creative or a commercial point of view.   Games like Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild obviously can’t be ignored when we’re talking about games that use that genre as the basis for some of the most impressive artistic achievements we’ve seen in any entertainment medium.   Some of the best-selling games ever belong to that genre (or utilize open-world concepts), and titles like those obviously can’t be ignored when we’re talking about games that use that genre as the basis for some of theEven more recently, I argued that slightly more familiar open-world games like Horizon: Forbidden West are gradually moving the genre towards a better palace, and I continue to support that position.   The open-world gaming subgenre is, by all measures that typically matter the most, doing just fine.  

But Elden Ring makes you realize that even some of the best recent open-world games depend on ideas that we may have come to accept as the standard without properly asking ourselves whether or not they are necessary and what they ultimately contribute.   This is because Elden Ring reexamines the fundamental concepts of the open-world genre in a way that makes you realize that even the best recent open-world games depend on these ideas.  

One of the Elden Ring’s Strongest Points is That It Doesn’t Have a Quest Log. 

The suggestion made by Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier that players should play Elden Ring with a journal by their side in order to keep track of quests, non-player characters, and other aspects of the game that won’t be automatically tracked caused a small amount of controversy prior to the release of Elden Ring.   His advice appears to have inspired a significant number of people to suggest that the glowing reviews of the game failed to mention the fact that this game was missing “necessary” open-world features.  

However, Schreier was quick to point out that this is not actually the situation at all.   You can see that Elden Ring does not lack a GPS system or quest logs because it does not require either of those things in the first place.  

There aren’t any traditional role-playing game quests in Elden Ring, such as “Kill X Bears for X Pelts” or “Deliver certain items to NPCs” (earn Elden Ring runes).   Instead, the game focuses on a more action-oriented style of gameplay.   The majority of the so-called “quests” in this game consist of you speaking with a non-player character (NPC) in the open world and determining what, if anything, you can do for that NPC.   For example, you will come across a character who will tell you that his ancestors once ruled these lands from a castle located in the south, but that they have since lost it.   This conversation is designed to let you know that there is a location to the south that you might not have discovered yet and that you might be able to talk to that character again after you’ve traveled to that location.  

There are some “quests” associated with the Elden Ring that are much more involved than that (there is one extremely lengthy and complicated questline that leads to powerful rewards), but the majority of them are designed with the concept in mind that quests are supposed to be something that you stumble upon and finish naturally as you explore the world.   You could say that the reward for exploring the game is finding these sidequests and the Elden Ring items that they often result in, but it is probably more accurate to say that Elden Ring makes the exploration element of the game the real adventure and treats the “quests” you find along the way as an extension of that adventure you’ve chosen rather than as these obligations that have to be designed around so that you can easily find and complete as many of them as possible in order to make the game more challenging.  

Others, however, are likely to at least come to appreciate the fact that Elden Ring never wants you to feel obligated to do anything other than explore what is possible, even though completists might be offended by the idea that the game is trying to tell them to think beyond their “everything all the time” mentality.   Completionists, on the other hand, might be offended by the idea that the game is trying to tell them to think beyond their “everything all the time” mentality.  

You are able to set waypoints in Elden Ring, but the game does away with quest trackers and GPS systems. This gives you the opportunity to reflect on the fact that the promise that once distinguished open-world games from everything else was the notion that they were relatively free of guided content and instead provided a world that was yours to explore and uncover in whatever manner you deemed appropriate.   Elden Ring gives you this opportunity.   In point of fact, some of the best things in Elden Ring are hidden in areas that are so inaccessible to the general public that it’s a miracle that anyone ever found them.  

There is something audacious and exciting about the concept that a game designer would craft an open-world game in which it is possible to easily miss so many wonderful things simply because that is the best way to guarantee that you will feel as though you are participating in something significant regardless of the actions that you choose to take.  

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