
Mistakes to Avoid When Hosting a Virtual Summit

Virtual format has taken over the long-followed live events and become everybody’s go-option to host events. Now that we are two years into the pandemic, almost all the organizations across the world are web hosting virtual events, there is a very crucial thing that we need to address. There are various things that an organizer needs to keep in mind while planning a virtual event. Along with this, it is vital to know the things that one should avoid more than things one is supposed to do.

Addressing the same topic, here is a detailed list of the mistakes that you need to stop making if you are planning to host a successful virtual summit.

Not Having a Decided Objective

As an event organizer, the most bizarre mistake that one can make is planning an event without an objective and aim. The thing that one needs to understand is people have very short attention spans and time spans, and even then if your event is unorganized, nobody would want to attend it. An event without a well-planned layout and structure won’t help you retain the audience. In Fact, seeing how unorganized the event is, people would leave it as soon as they log in. Hence, the first and foremost thing that you need to take into consideration is to have an objective for your virtual summit.

More Content

Virtual events have their drawbacks, and it is fine. No matter how effectively you can deliver your content, they will always have a lack of personal touch. Since you can’t change that, pick another way round. Don’t overwhelm your audience with more content, and try to keep it as crisp and short as possible.

Complicating the event

As an event organizer, you can be tech-savvy or a fraction of your attendees can be. However, not all your attendees will have a deep understanding about technology. Many organizers overlook this factor and end up picking the wrong virtual summit platform for their event. People already had a difficult time adjusting to the virtual formats of hosting summits; don’t overcomplicate it by picking a web solution that requires advanced technical knowledge.

Making the event lengthy

Moving onto the next, you should understand that no matter how immersive an experience your virtual event platform provides, web events are different from live events. Virtual events have their own set of limitations which no matter how much you try, will always stay. One of them comes in the terms of ‘Zoom Fatigue’. It is a very common phenomenon experienced by the people who attend extended hours of meetings and virtual sessions. When it comes to physical summits and events, you can host as many sessions as you want. However, it is not the same for online sessions. Long and extended sessions tend to bore the audience. Hence, when you are planning your virtual summit, make sure you keep the sessions short and to the point.

Choosing wrong presenters

Your attendees might ignore a few shortcomings of your event if it was for physical events; however, things get more into notice when it is about virtual sessions. In case of virtual sessions, all the elements of your event will have their own impact; this is the reason you need to be more careful. Hence, pick your presenters carefully. Since they will be the one who will represent your event to the audience, you just cannot get away with a wrong presenter.

Selecting the wrong platform

Another vital mistake that the organizers need to avoid making is getting the wrong virtual event platform. Never underestimate the power of your platform while hosting the event. Always consider it as the venue of your web summit, nothing less. Let us tell you something very straightforward, the solution you pick for your virtual event can literally make or break your entire event. The incorrect platform can cost you the success of your summit and even the name of your brand.

Avoiding Practice Sessions

Organizing an event means keeping your brand reputation on stake for a while. The success or failure of your event  can have a direct impact on your brand’s reputation. “Practice makes a man perfect” is prevalent for a reason. Choosing not to host a practice session is probably the most witless thing that you can do. A practice session will give you an idea about your platform and help you avoid blunders on the main day. Along with it, if anything goes wrong on the main day, the experience will save you from getting embarrassed in front of the entire audience.

Not Providing Enough Networking Opportunities

The reason most people like to attend physical events is because they feel virtual events are inefficient when it comes to networking. Hence, when you plan your virtual summit, make sure you have provided enough networking opportunities to the attendees. It will make it easier for the attendees to build connections and expand their network.

We hope this blog has made it clear to you the things that you should avoid while planning a virtual summit.

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abdul waheed

Abdul Waheed is a seasoned business blogger, specializing in entrepreneurship and small business management. With over 10 years of experience, he offers invaluable insights and practical guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the challenges of starting and growing a successful business.

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